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What is the structural length of the valve?

The length of the metal valve structure is what is it?

Foreign "Metal Valve structure length" standard modification adopted ISO5752-1988 "flange pipeline system metal valve structure length" international standard, compared with, increased the welding end, clip type, internal thread, external thread structure basic length series and structural length of various valves, more scientific and reasonable, can be international standards, easy to use.

Structural length of the valve from Betu 1-1 to Figure 1-3.

Length of straight-through valve structure


Figure 1-1 Length of straight-through valve structure

Angle-type valve structure length


Figure 1-2 Angle-type valve structure length

Structural length of the clip clamp valve


Figure 1-3 Structural length of the clip clamp valve

The structural length-1 of some valves are shown in Table 1-1~1-5.

Table 1-1 Flange connection valve structure length Basic series unit: mm




Basic series code name
1 2 3 4 5 7 8① 9① 10 11① 12 13 14 15 18 19 21 22 23 24①
structure length ②
10 130 210 102 108 85 105 130 80 ——
15 130 210 108 140 165 180 90 105 108 57 130 80 152 170 83
20 150 230 117 152 190 117 95 115 117 64 130 90 178 190 95
25 160 230 127 165 216 127 100 115 127 70 140 120 100 216 210 108
32 180 260 140 178 229 146 105 130 140 76 165 140 110 229 230 114
40 200 260 165 190 241 159 115 130 165 82 165 106 140 240 120 241 260 121
50 230 300 178 216 292 190 125 150 203 102 203 108 150 250 135 216 267 250 300 146
290 340 190 241 330 216 145 170 216 108 222 112 170 270 165 241 292 280 340 165
80 310 380 203 283 356 254 155 190 241 121 241 114 180 280 185 283 318 310 390 178
100 350 430 229 305 432 305 175 215 292 146 305 127 190 300 305 356 350 450 216
125 400 500 254 381 508 356 200 250 330 178 356 140 200 325 381 400 400 525 254
150 480 550 267 403 559 406 225 275 356 203 394 140 210 350 403 444 450 600 279
200 600 650 292 419 660 521 275 325 495 248 457 152 230 400 419 533 550 750 330
250 730 775 330 457 787 635 325 622 311 533 165 250 450 457 622 650 394
300 850 900 356 502 838 749 375 698 350 610 178 270 500 502 711 750 419
350 980 1025 381 762 889 425 787 394 686 190 290 550 572 838 850
400 1100 1150 406 838 991 475 914 457 762 216 310 600 610 864 950
450 1200 1275 432 914 1092 978 864 222 330 650 660 978 1050
500 1250 1400 457 991 1194 978 914 229 350 700 711 1016 1150
600 1450 1650 508 1143 1397 1295 1067 267 390 800 787 1346 1350
700 1650 610 1346 1549 1448 292 430 900 1499 1450
800 1850 660 1956 318 470 1000 1778 1650


Table 1-2 Structural length of flange connection diaphragm valve in unit: mm

intended size


Nominal pressure, PN
PN6 PN10~20 PN25~50
structure length
short long
10 108 108 130 130
20 117 117 150 150
25 127 127 160 160
32 146 146 180 180
40 159 159 200 200
50 190 190 230 230
65 216 216 290 290
80 254 254 310 310
100 305 305 350 350
125 356 356 400 400
150 406 406 480 480
200 521 521 600 600
250 635 635 730 730
300 749 749 850 850
Basic series 7 7 1 1

Note: The size of the boldface characters in the table is preferred


Table 1-3 Gate valve, stop valve and check valve of flange connection to copper alloy structure length unit: mm

intended size


Nominal pressure, PN
PN10~25 PN40
structure length
short long
10 45 80 108
15 55
20 57 90 117
25 68 100 127
32 73 110 146
40 77 120 159
50 84 135 190
65 100 165 216
80 120 185 254
100 140  
Basic series 18 7


Table 1-4 Tolerance unit: mm

structure length Limit deviation
≤250 ±2
>250~500 ±3
>500~800 Soil 4
>800~1000 Soil 5
>1000~1600 Soil 6
>1600~2250 ±8
≥2250 ±10


Table 1-5 Length tolerance of welded end valve structure unit: mm

intended size


Valve type
Direct type Angle type
Extreme deviation
≤250 Soil 1.5 ±0.75
≥275 Shi 3.0 ±1.5



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